GlobalGiving UK Women in Tech Giving Circle

Growing women-led philanthropy through collaboration & collective giving

In April 2024, GlobalGiving launched the UK’s first Women in Tech Giving Circle at its inaugural event in central London, bringing together a collective of successful women leaders working in technology. Enclosed is their invite – please have a look!

GlobalGiving is currently seeking founding members for the UK Women in Tech Giving Circle who aspire to make a meaningful philanthropic difference in communities worldwide through selected causes or themes.  

Giving circles are a growing global movement with over 4,000 active circles worldwide, hosting over 400 collaborative funds and donating $3 billion annually. In the US alone, the amount of money donated by giving circles has tripled over the last decade, with an estimated $1.79 billion granted by 150,000+ donors. There are an estimated 500 giving circles operating across the UK and Ireland. Women are increasingly fueling the growth of giving circles globally, with approximately 70% of giving circles being majority women, embodying an innovative effort to democratise philanthropy and create new possibilities for affecting positive change.  Giving circles operate on the principle of collective giving, which can include donations of any size or the contribution of time.

We invite you to join us and help us establish this new giving circle, either in your individual capacity or that of the organisations and companies you represent.  At this time, we simply ask you to tentatively express your interest in becoming a founding member of the giving circle.  

Once we are able to assess levels of interest in the upcoming weeks, we’ll provide comprehensive insights into our plans for developing the circle. This will encompass a roadmap detailing essential steps, activities, and proposed timelines for establishing the circle and a brief survey with selected questions to help us determine the extent of your potential involvement as a founding partner. 

As highly influential women leaders working in tech, we hope you will consider joining other women leaders to help drive impact and influence. When women come together with a shared vision of generosity, compassion, and empowerment, they unleash a ripple effect that resonates far and wide, delivering impact and change for good—this is what we want to embody and leverage with the giving circle.  

We hope you will consider joining us in this exciting new venture. To register your interest, please click here . We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

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